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Hello! I'm Stef. 

I'm an illustrator, surface pattern designer, mom, wife and all around creative enthusiast. After a long (and rather dull) career in communications & marketing, and with the birth of my son, I decided to take the leap into my true passion, illustration. That was six years ago and I've been working as an illustrator ever since.


Some of my earliest memories are of drawing on the walls of my bedroom, or tirelessly spending hours after school trying to perfect drawings of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Rainbow Brite. Drawing seemed to come easily enough to me that it often surprised me when I'd win prizes in kids drawing competitions. The prize money meant more trips to the art supply store so I could buy more drawing materials, and that's what made me happy. Making pictures transported me to my happy place. 


Today, whether highlighting overcomers of adversity through my portraits, or adding whimsy to everyday products with patterns of animals and everyday objects, you'll find my work is bold, colourful and vibrant. 


I'm inspired by most things complex, layered and skill-driven: eastern cooking but western baking, lilacs (and the colour purple), antique decor, classic jazz, intricate and ancient craftsmanship, oil painting, children's books, prayer and worship, and my (still innocent and uninhibited) kids.


I was born in Goa, India and raised in Dubai, U.A.E. until the age of 17 when I moved West. I work from my little 90 square foot studio space in my home, where I live with my husband, son and daughter in Vancouver, Canada.

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